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- Tutorial: The Attorney Generals of the 50 states
- The attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer of
- each state. Duties vary from state to state, but generally, the
- attorney general will represent the State in court. In the last
- two decades, attorney generals have become consumer advocates and
- often institute litigation on behalf of the people of the state
- under the doctrine of parens patriae (they are the "father" or
- "head of the family" of the people of the state; therefore, they
- can generally represent the interests of the people of the
- State.) Recently several attorneys general have sued milk
- producers to collect overcharges due to bid rigging in public
- school milk contracts. Often the attorney general will bring
- legal proceedings against crooked businesses to cause them to
- "cease and desist" illegal practices. The attorney general may
- actually investigate, but often consumers complaints will lead to
- action.
- Some attorney generals will also advise on state law on
- request, but this is not always certain. (And you may not get a
- correct answer.)
- The addresses and phone numbers of all 50 states attorneys
- general follow.
- Attorney General of Alabama
- State Administrative Building
- Montgomery, Alabama 36130
- 205-834-5150
- Attorney General of Alaska
- Pouch K. State Capitol
- Juneau, Alaska 99811
- 907-465-3600
- Attorney General of Arizona
- 1700 West Washington
- Phoenix, Arizona 85007
- 602-371-2007
- Attorney General of California
- 800 Tishman Building, 3580 Wilshire
- Los Angeles, California 90010
- 916-324-5437
- Attorney General of Colorado
- 1525 Sherman Street- Third Floor
- Denver, Colorado 80203
- 303-866-3611
- Attorney General of Connecticut
- Capitol Annex, 30 Trinity Street
- Hartford, Connecticut 06115
- 203-566-2026
- Attorney General of Delaware
- 820 North French Street, 8th. Floor
- Wilmington, Delaware 19801
- 302-571-2500
- Attorney General of Florida
- State Capital
- Tallahassee, Florida 32399
- 904-487-1963
- Attorney General of Georgia
- 132 State Judicial Building
- Atlanta, Georgia 30334
- 404-656-4585
- Attorney General of Hawaii
- State Capitol
- Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
- 808-548-4740
- Attorney General of Idaho
- State House
- Boise, Idaho 83720
- 208-334-2400
- Attorney General of Illinois
- 500 Second Street
- Springfield, Illinois 62701
- Attorney General of Indiana
- 219 State House
- Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
- 317-232-6201
- Attorney General of Iowa
- Hoover Building- Second Floor
- Des Monies, Iowa 50319
- 512-281-5164
- Attorney General of Kansas
- Judicial Center- Second Floor
- Topeka, Kansas 66612
- 913-296-2215
- Attorney General of Kentucky
- State Capitol
- Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
- 502-564-3490
- Attorney General of Louisiana
- 2-3-4 Loyola Avenue
- New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
- 504-342-7013
- Attorney General of Maine
- State House
- Augusta, Maine 04330
- 307-289-3661
- Attorney General of Maryland
- One South Calvert Building
- Baltimore, Maryland 21202
- 301-576-6300
- Attorney General of Massachusetts
- One Ashburton Place- 20th. Floor
- Boston, Massachusetts 02108
- 617-727-2200
- Attorney General of Michigan
- Law Building
- Lansing, Michigan 48913
- 517-373-1110
- Attorney General of Minnesota
- 102 State Capitol
- St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
- 612-296-6196
- Attorney General of Mississippi
- Carroll Gartin Justice Building
- P.O. Box 220
- Jackson, Mississippi 39205
- 601-359-3680
- Attorney General of Missouri
- P.o. Box 899
- Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
- 314-751-3321
- Attorney General of Montana
- State Capitol
- Helena, Montana 59601
- 406-444-2026
- Attorney General of Nebraska
- State Capitol
- Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
- 402-471-2682
- Attorney General of Nevada
- Heroes Memorial Building, Capitol Complex
- Carson City, Nevada 89710
- 702-885-4170
- Attorney General of New Hampshire
- 208 State House Annex
- Concord, New Hampshire 03301
- 603-271-3655
- Attorney General of New Jersey
- State House Annex, Second Floor
- Trenton, New Jersey 08625
- 609-292-8740
- Attorney General of New Mexico
- Bataan Building, P.O. Box 1508
- Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
- 505-827-6000
- Attorney General of New York
- Two World Trade Center
- New York, New York 10047
- 518-474-7330
- Attorney General of North Carolina
- Department of Justice
- P.O. Box 629
- Raleigh, North Carolina 27602
- 919-733-3377
- Attorney General of North Dakota
- State Capitol
- Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
- 701-224-2210
- Attorney General of Ohio
- State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad St.
- Columbus, Ohio 43215
- 614-466-3376
- Attorney General of Oklahoma
- 112 State Capitol
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
- 405-521-3921
- Attorney General of Oregon
- 100 State Office Building
- Salem, Oregon 97310
- Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- Strawberry Square, 16th. Floor
- Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
- 717-787-3391
- Attorney General of South Carolina
- Rembert Dennis Off. Bldg. POB 11549
- Columbia, South Carolina 29211
- 803-758-3970
- Attorney General of South Dakota
- State Capitol Building
- Pierre, South Dakota 57501
- 605-773-3215
- Attorney General of Tennessee
- 450 James Robertson Parkway
- Nashville, Tennessee 37219
- 615-741-6474
- Attorney General of Texas
- Capitol Station, P.O. Box 12548
- Austin, Texas 78711
- 512-475-0425
- Attorney General of Utah
- 236 State Capitol
- Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
- 801-533-7661
- Attorney General of Vermont
- Pavilion Office Building
- Montpelier, Vermont 05602
- 802-828-3171
- Attorney General of Virginia
- 101 N. 8th. Street, 5th. Floor
- Richmond, Virginia 23219
- 804-786-2071
- Attorney General of Washington
- Temple of Justice
- Olympia, Washington 98504
- 304-348-2021
- Attorney General of Wisconsin
- P.O. Box 7857, State Capitol Building
- Madison, Wisconsin 53702
- 608-266-1221
- Attorney General of West Virginia
- State Capitol
- Charleston, West Virginia 23505
- 304-348-2021
- Attorney General of Wyoming
- 123 State Capitol
- Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
- 307-777-7841